“नैना ठग लेंगे” — When eyes started to lie …

Amrita Singh
2 min readDec 2, 2023


Can you read people, especially in the dark of night?

Is it the smile or the eyes that bring hidden feelings to light?

Eyes are seen as windows to the soul, a canvas of disguise,

Made perfectly to hide truths and tell sweet lies.

In innocence, they might droop or light up with glee,

Various expressions, quite a complex spree.

Brows can furrow in worry or get lost in dreams so deep,

Glares and shocked stares, emotions in a heap.

A well-practiced art of deceit, a tear might be shed,

Challenging the belief that eyes can’t lie, it’s said.

And then, the smile, less adorned with makeup’s grace,

A subtle hint, embracing innocence on the face.

Nervous twitches or laughter’s joyful sound,

Do they hide anxiety or stories to rewrite around?

In a nervous smile, do illusions find their space,

A hidden tale behind it, a mystery to trace?

No more trust in the eyes, as they’ve mastered the skill,

The smile takes charge, revealing the truth at will.

Let silence not consume, let smiles take the lead,

In the space between us, let honesty succeed.

For in the quiet hush, where truth often ties,

Naina (eyes), my dear, silence never lies.



Amrita Singh

A little more sparkle , a little less stress 🌟🌠