Mindfulness: Smiles and Non-Judgmental Wisdom From Hills

Amrita Singh
3 min readJun 13, 2024


In a world where rapid judgments and preconceived notions often dominate our interactions, the ability to be non-judgmental is a rare and invaluable trait. This quality not only requires intellectual rigor but also fosters deeper understanding, empathy, and connection among individuals.

As I have read somewhere,

यात्रा एक दर्पण है , स्वयं को निहारने एवं निखारने का

Reflecting on a recent trip to the hills, I observed several instances that illuminated the profound impact of non-judgmental behavior and its significance in everyday life.

During my journey, I encountered numerous drivers navigating the winding and challenging roads of the hills. What struck me most was not just their skill but their demeanor. Despite the inherent stress of driving in such conditions, these drivers exhibited remarkable patience and friendliness. They smiled at each other, communicated effectively to ensure smooth passage, and extended help without hesitation. This mutual respect and cooperation, often rare in more competitive urban settings, demonstrated a deep-seated non-judgmental attitude. Each driver recognized the shared challenges and worked together harmoniously, without assigning blame or becoming frustrated.

The people of the hills showcased an impressive blend of industriousness and intellectual engagement. Contrary to the stereotype of rural communities being laid-back or disconnected, these individuals displayed a keen ability to understand and empathize with one another. They didn’t merely follow societal norms passively; instead, they actively engaged their minds to foster meaningful connections and solve problems collectively. This proactive approach, driven by a genuine interest in others’ well-being, highlighted their non-judgmental nature. They approached each situation with an open mind, ready to adapt and assist, rather than criticize or dismiss.

A common thread among the hill community was their therapeutic smile, a simple yet powerful gesture. Whether working in fields, running small businesses, or guiding tourists, they wore smiles that radiated warmth and positivity. These smiles were not superficial but reflected inner peace and contentment. They worked tirelessly day and night, their smiles acting as a rejuvenating force that kept their spirits high. Observing this was incredibly uplifting, as it reminded me of the profound impact a genuine smile can have on both the giver and the receiver.

There is much to learn from these humble yet remarkable people. Their ability to remain non-judgmental, to smile with genuine intent, and to help each other find solutions to problems, offers invaluable lessons for us all. In our fast-paced lives, we often overlook the importance of slowing down, understanding others’ perspectives, and responding with kindness rather than judgment. The intellectual rigor required to be non-judgmental involves a conscious effort to suspend our biases, listen actively, and engage with others empathetically.

There is a lot we could pick up from these down-to-earth yet extraordinary folks in the hills. Their knack for staying non-judgmental, flashing those genuine smiles, and pitching in to solve problems is nothing short of inspiring. Honestly, if we could all borrow a bit of their approach, we might just find ourselves a little less stressed and a lot more connected. Think about it — instead of getting wound up over minor annoyances, what if we just smiled and helped out like those drivers navigating those crazy hill roads? Maybe the secret to a happier life is as simple as taking a deep breath, grinning like you mean it, and pitching in when someone’s stuck. So, next time you’re about to judge someone, remember: instead of being lazy, apply your brain — it’s not that difficult. And when you’re tempted to honk your horn in frustration, remember those smiling hill drivers and give a thumbs-up instead — it might just make your day (and theirs) a whole lot better!



Amrita Singh

A little more sparkle , a little less stress 🌟🌠