Embracing the Solo Journey of Life

Amrita Singh
3 min readMar 5, 2024


A few days back when I was talking to my father he reminded me of something which brings back a smile on my face as if I always knew it but I don’t want to hear it. We all love to live in our sense of denial ( at least me 😊). The truth of …. You are on your own !!!

Let me tell you my perspective…

As a child, my days were filled with effortless joy. Breakfast magically appeared each morning. Birthdays unfolded with cakes and presents. Life seemed like an everlasting source of happiness, an existence where everything fell into place effortlessly.

Surrounded by loved ones, favourite foods, and cherished gifts, my upbringing was a haven fostering growth and well-being. It was a cocoon of safety where I believed life would always be carefree and joy-filled. I trusted that any challenges would be taken care of without me having to worry.

However, the transition to adulthood was a stark awakening. Suddenly, the protective bubble burst, and the real world appeared daunting. The safety net I once took for granted vanished, leaving me feeling scared and unprepared. The reality set in — my life was solely mine, and facing the world alone was overwhelming.

In the house where I grew up, a profound realisation hit me — we are inherently alone in this world. Regardless of the constant support and surrounded by people in our early years, the real world demands self-reliance. The excitement for life waned, and with time, that youthful enthusiasm faded away, replaced by the harsh truth that we are on our own.

Life’s lessons in school covered subjects from plants to planets, but crucial aspects of real life remained untouched. Paying taxes, managing finances, avoiding scams, overcoming failure, or healing a broken heart were absent from the curriculum. The contentment of childhood transformed into a responsibility we must now actively work towards.

No more served breakfast on the table; I must earn it myself, birthdays may require gentle reminders to loved ones. The once carefree existence evolves into a journey where self-reliance is key.

Yet, this is the essence of life’s progression. Growing up means finding our way in this challenging world, and acknowledging the absence of the once-present safety net. The people from our past will stand by us, but the protective shield is no longer there. In the vast ocean of life, we must sail alone.

The reality is unsettling — we are on our own now. However, within this truth lies the excitement of self-discovery. The terrifying aspect is matched by the exhilarating prospect of defining our own path without constraints. We’re on our own, but the beauty is that we are now in control of our journey.



Amrita Singh

A little more sparkle , a little less stress 🌟🌠